A Patchwork of Plays
four plays by new directors
‘A Resounding Tinkle’ by N. F. Simpson, directed by Peter Drew.
‘The Donahue Sisters’ by Geraldine Aron, directed by Charlotte Bayford.
‘Made in Spain’ by Tony Grounds, directed by Chrissie Kettle.
‘In by the Half’ by Jimmie Chinn, directed by Dawn King
Extract from Essex Gazette
“for their latest production, CTG gave four new directors the opportunity to stage a one-act play in a “mini-festival”.
Although the results were mixed, this initiative is to be applauded as new blood is essential to theatre!”
Photo by Sam Rodway
stop press
Dawn King and Chrissie Kettle won the adjudicator’s award for their debut as directors which they share with Anne Tomkinson