Colchester Theatre Group

Accrington Pals

by Peter Whelan

Awards go to

LLoyd Shankley – Best Young Actor

Jaz Ely – Runner up to Best Young Actress

Anne Tomkinson – Adjudicator’s Award for her innovative programme


19th – 22nd March 2014 (including a Saturday matinee)

directed by Paul Davies and Steve Dunt


“If the previous play was a great success, The Accrington Pals was more than that.  “A” reckons it is the best production she has ever seen in Colchester.  I can’t think of a better one.  It was an ideal choice of play in this year when the media are trying to ram so much pro-war propaganda down our throats.  The actors were all excellent, the staging was imaginative and the costumes were superb.  We are hoping our daughter and grandson can get tickets for Saturday.”

excerpt from an email following first night performance.

The Cast was as follows:

May – Leanne Howard
Eva – Jazz Ely
Sarah – Sarah-Ellen Young
Bertha – 
Annie – Liz Moss
Tom – Ben Maytham
Ralph – LLoyd Shankley
Arthur – Shane Whitworth
Reggie – Tom Sims
CSM Rivers – David Elliott
