Colchester Theatre Group

`Allo `Allo

`Allo `Allo was directed by Kerry King in November 2009

Excerpt from the NETG Adjudication – ‘this was a very enjoyable production of a high standard and it was nice to see Colchester Theatre Group presenting a farcical comedy. It certainly brightened up a wet and miserable November evening. Thank you!’

The performance took place at the Headgate Theatre. Cast included  James Potter, Adam Duarte-Dias, Matthew Barrott, Maggie Brush, Kerry Gullen, Chrissie Kettle, Anna West, Will Parrick, Jacqueline Goodall, Rod Green, Lester Pearse, Stephen Kateley, Rosie Forth, Jane Rayner, Sara Rout, Charlotte Bayford, Paul Reed, Peter Schofield, Matthew Fish, Scott Sophos. Stage Managers  Charlotte Bayford and Alexandra Berriman, Lighting Martin Rayner, assisted by Alistair Humphrey, Sound Andy Terry, Martin Rayner, Robert West, props Lorraine.