Five nominations for the NETG awards:
Technical (lighting)
Best Young Actor – Tom Sims
Comedy Award – Charlotte Still
Millennium Writer’s Award – Rod Green
17 – 20 February 2016
translated and adapted by Rod Green, directed by Sara Green
excerpt from review in Essex County Standard 20th February
“Overshadowed by the more famous opera version Beaumachais’s play is given a lively translation here by Rod Green and kicks off the Colchester Theatre Group’s year in style…..One of the joys of the production is the choreographed scene changes and here the servants almost stole the show!”
Cast: Charlie Still, Alex MacPhail, Helen Bridge, Brian Malone, Tom Simms, Zach Miller, Rachael Ling, Paul Reed, Rod Green, Keith Grant, Steve Dunt, Peter Schofield, Bernard Forrester, Jeanine Green, Rhiannon Arnold.
Design and Crew: Ian Amos, Lydia Clough, Glenn Cousins, Steve Dunt, Ed Linley, Isobel Sullivan, Mike Sullivan, Sam Malone, Anne Tomkinson.