The Foreigner
The Foreigner by Larry Shue directed by Elaine Lloyd
Production date 23-26 May 2018.
NETG Nominations
Set design/construction/dressing
Technical Achievement
Adjucators Award Ensemble performances of supporting cast with special commendation to Brian Malone
Best Actor – Les Chisnall as Charlie
Cliff Hudson Award for Comedy – the production – WON!
Excerpt from the adjudication: “Director Elaine steered this ship with a deft hand, encouraging her cast to play the drama of the piece and let the comedy emerge of its own accord. The pace was tight where it needed to be, and slower in moments of emotion – the tension of the violent conclusion, and the “ghost” business excellently built. A great job.
A delightful, bizarre comedy with some insights into human nature beautifully realised by
all concerned.”
Charlie – Les Chisnall
Froggy – Brian Malone
Catherine – Jemma Younger
Ellard – Jack Jordan
David – Joe Eason
Betty – Angela Whatling
Owen – Zach Miller